San Diego Cadet Squadron 144
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Post-Tango Flight

Opportunities After Tango Flight

Exploring Beyond Tango Flight

Upon graduating from Tango Flight, you embark on an exciting new phase in your Civil Air Patrol (CAP) journey. You will join another cadet flight within San Diego Cadet Squadron 144 and start exploring the diverse mission fields that CAP offers.

Stay Informed with Upcoming Events

For the latest dates and details on upcoming events, be sure to regularly visit our Upcoming Events page. This resource is your go-to for staying updated on what's happening in and around our squadron.

Broadening Your CAP Experience

Apart from our weekly meetings, CAP provides a range of events and activities designed to enhance your skills and knowledge. Here’s a list of opportunities you can look forward to participating in:

Cadet Programs/Leadership:

  • BCS (Basic Cadet School)
  • ATS (Airman Training School)
  • Encampment
  • NCOS (Non-Commissioned Officers School)
  • SNCOS (Senior NCOS)
  • COBC/COS/RCLS (Cadet Officers Basic Course/Cadet Officers School/Regional Cadet Leadership School)


  • AESA (Aerospace Education STEM Academy)
  • Airshows
  • O-Rides/Glider O-Rides

Emergency Services:

  • SARExs (Search and Rescue Exercises)
  • Bivouacs
  • NESA (National Emergency Services Academy)
  • Hawk Mountain Ranger School
  • PJOC/APJOC (Pararescue and Survival Orientation Course/Advanced Pararescue and Survival Orientation Course)

Other Events:

  • CPC (Cadet Programs Conference)
  • Wing/Region/National Conference
  • DCS/ADCS (Drill and Ceremonies School/Advanced Drill and Ceremonies School)
  • UBWC (Ultimate Bear and Wing Challenge)
  • CCC (Cadet Commanders Course)
  • Cadet Competition
  • Cyber Patriot
  • Other NCSAs (National Cadet Special Activities)


Upon promotion, you'll be eligible to wear CAP uniforms:

  • Utilities Uniform: Airman Battle Uniform (ABUs)
  • Service Uniform: Blues Uniform
  • Physical Training Uniform: PT Uniform

Acquiring Uniforms:

  • Squadron 144 (for financially aided cadets or size/type exchanges)
  • Surplus stores
  • Air Force/military bases

Refer to Uniform Acquisition Information and the CAP Curry Order Form for a complete list of uniform items and links.

Helpful Resources

Forms for Events:
Helpful Links:
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